The TVET Authority Board of Directors today concluded the week-long stakeholders’ engagement programme and dissemination of the Quality Audit reports for the FY 2022/23.

The day’s programme, which was led by the Chairperson of the TVETA Board Prof. Florence Indede started with a courtesy call to the County Government of Kisumu offices where they were received by the CECM in charge of Education and Vocational Training Mr. John Awiti and his team that included the Chief Officer and the Director of Vocational Training.

The Board and members of TVETA staff presented a brief on the performance of the VTCs from Kisumu County as highlighted in the comprehensive quality audit report. The discussions delved more into the challenges faced and modalities on how the county would engage more with the Authority to mitigate the challenges and ensure quality training in the VTCs in Kisumu County.

Thereafter, the Board and staff visited the Rotary Vocational Training Centre, one of the leading VTCs in Kisumu County for a familiarization tour with emphasis on the innovations that the VTC has put in place to prudently use the available resources and the use of their training facilities not only for training but also for income generation by involving the trainees in the production units. The key notable areas visited were the food and beverage production and service restaurant, the fashion design workshop, hairdressing, and beauty therapy workshops among others.  The team then held a stakeholder engagement before making a courtesy visit to the Western Kenya regional office to familiarize themselves with the activities of the region.

The Directors who accompanied the Chairperson included Dr. Esther Gacicio, Eng. Dr. Edward Odhong, Mrs. Njambi Muchane, and Ms. Valerie Akinyi from the COG. The Members of Management included Dr. Paul Wanyeki, the Acting Director of Standards Development, Compliance, and Enforcement who also represented the Director General, Susan Debe the regional head of the western region, Phoebe Makanga, the regional head of the North Rift region, Njoroge Kamau from Compliance and Enforcement at the head office, Sylia Akoto the Corporation Secretary, Maureen Chepkorir, compliance officer western region, and Andrew Too from the head office.

Yesterday, the Board of Directors, together with the TVETA Director General Dr Kipkirui Langat held a stakeholder engagement and received feedback on the quality audit reports for the FY 2022/23 from representatives of the VTCs, representatives from the Private TVET institutions and representatives of the National Polytechnics and the TVCs from Western region.

The Chairperson of the Board thereafter officially closed the workshop with a commitment to engage the stakeholders annually for purposes of getting their views which shall inform actions to be taken to improve service delivery. In its endeavor to mitigate climate change and promote greening, the stakeholders participated in a tree-growing exercise at Alupe University to crown the engagement