Born on 12th June 1961, Mrs. Njambi Muchane was appointed to the Board on 15th March 2024. Mrs. Muchane holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and International Relations from York University Canada and a Master of Science degree in Entrepreneurship from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). She is a goal-oriented and self-driven professional with diverse experience in governance, capacity development, enterprise development, leadership, project management, and stakeholder engagement & management roles in both the public and private sector in Kenya.
She has undergone extensive training in the areas of technology assisted learning, human resource development, public administration, policy development, leadership and project management. She is a certified professional Mediator. She has had an illustrious career in both the public and private sector, spanning over twenty years and was instrumental in 2006 in the establishment of the Kenya Development Learning Centre (KDLC) under the Ministry of Public Service as part of a global network of seventeen (17) similar learning institutions in Africa, set up to leverage advanced communication technologies to facilitate inter-country technology transfer and learning across the globe.
In recognition to the distinguished services rendered to the Nation in her work at KDLC, on 12th December 2011, the President of the Republic of Kenya, conferred on Mrs. Muchane the honour of The Order of the Burning Spear M.B.S. She served at the Kenya School of Government (KSG) as the Director of the eLearning and Development Institute (eLDi) until 2015 when she was appointed as a Member of the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC).
During her tenure at the IGRTC, Mrs. Muchane served as the Chair of the Cooperation, Consultation and Human Resource & Capacity Development Thematic Area (CCC& HR) for five years and Chair of IGRTC’s Dispute and Resolution Committee for three years. The objective of the committee was resolution of disputes between the Two levels of government. Mrs. Muchane also served as co-chair with the Principal Secretary, State Department of Public
Service of the Interagency Technical Committee (IATC) on the implementation of the Capacity Assessment and Rationalization of the Public Service (CARPS) program.